In linux everything is in form of files
audio, video , images ,commands etc everything is file.
to work with these file, to access to manage these file some system is needed that system is called linux file system
Window also use file system for managing files.
Version of file system
ext3 (third extended filesystem)
ext4 (fourth extended filesytsem)
XFS (extent filesytsem)
FAT (file allocation table)
How to find which file system your linux is using
command : lsblk -f
ubantu uses FAT file system and centOS use XFS file system
File system structure Description
some files are comman in all the os they are present in all system by default like bin directory, root dir etc.
/boot - having files used by boot loader (ex: grub)
/dev - system devices files like speaker , input etc
/etc - these are configuration file ,configuration file of any software we install is present here.
usr/bin - bin means binary , all command files are present here. /usr/sbin - system binaries of root directory , root access commands are present here.
/opt - third party application files are present here
/proc - Running process related files are present here
/usr/lib -c program library files needed by commands and apps
/tmp - having temporary files
/home - directories of the user
/root - super user of system ,admin
/mnt - mount external file system
/media - media related and even usb related